DSpace Repository

Browsing by Subject "Big data, Velocity, Veracity, Variety and Volume"

Browsing by Subject "Big data, Velocity, Veracity, Variety and Volume"

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  • Mithanga, F; Wasike, J (5th Annual Kirinyaga University Conference, 2022-03)
    Adoption of big data has happened over time. During the past decade much research has been done on data and its growth. Big data has become invaluable in enabling personalized deals, real-time alerts and predictive maintenance ...
  • Mithanga, F; Wasike, J (5th Annual Kirinyaga University Conference, 2022-03)
    Adoption of big data has happened over time. During the past decade much research has been done on data and its growth. Big data has become invaluable in enabling personalized deals, real-time alerts and predictive maintenance ...

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