The process of educating a nurse till they are able to effectively take on a
professional role requires the student to go through theory work in class as well as
clinical practice both in the laboratory skills labs and in clinical sites in the hospital
and community. Nursing clinical practicum is widely agreed to be the nucleus of
Nursing Education by both Nurse Educators and Staff Nurses. Nursing Clinical
Instructors main activity is to help the Nursing students not only translate the theory
they learn in class to clinical practice but also to orient them to their future roles as
Nurses working in the clinical area in different functions. However, their role is not
well understood as they are situated in both academia and clinical sites, more-so in
developing countries since nursing is still developing and nurses are taking on
different roles. The focus of focus of this research is to review literature on the role of
nursing clinical Instructor in Low-and-Middle Income Countries of which Kenya is
one. The methodology used is Scoping Review. It will utilize three databases namely
EBscohost, Pub Med and Pro Quest which will help identify the roles of Nursing
Clinical Instructors as seen by nurse student, the academic staff and the staff nurse in
the hospital. Content analysis will be used to analyse the data received. This research
will be used to add into research knowledge regarding Nursing Clinical Instructors,
create awareness to both nursing staff and administrators of nursing academic
institutions on the roles of Nursing Clinical instructors both in the academia and
clinical area.