Despite increases in computer access and technology training, ICT is not adequately being used to support instruction in teacher education institutions. Unless teachers improve their ability to use existing technology, they will encounter various difficulties. One of the most notable of these difficulties is that they cannot respond to the expectations of their students. Research has shown that the self-confidence of teachers affects their use of technology in instruction. The study assessed the confidence of tutors in primary teacher training colleges regarding the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning practice in Kenya. There are a number of ICT projects that are equipping Kenyan institutions of learning with computers and establishing internet connectivity. But the body of literature on studies among tutors is so scanty, leaving a noticeable gap in the literature about tutors’ level of ICT integration in instruction. The study sought to establish the relationship between tutor confidence and their level of ICT integration teacher training colleges in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate tutors’ confidence in the use of ICT in teaching. The simple random sampling technique was used to select six teacher training colleges in Kenya and 169 respondents who participated in the study. Data was collected using a questionnaire and an interview schedule. The data collected was analysed descriptively for frequencies, means, standard deviation, and percentages. The significance of relationships and differences of variables were tested using Pearson moment Correlation and Regression analysis. Results indicated that there is a low level of ICT integration in teaching in all teacher training colleges. A significant relationship was found between the tutor's confidence and their level of ICT integration in teaching (β3= 0.535, p<0.05). It was thus recommended that: College tutors should be given adequate exposure for them to be able to utilize ICT facilities in their classrooms. Colleges should also computerize most activities by buying computerized software within departments. This will compel most tutors to acquire the requisite skills. The ministry of education should also embrace ICT and demand professional documents from college tutors be typed and sent online.