Direction finding is a key area of sensor array processing which is encountered in
a broad range of important engineering applications. These applications include
wireless communication, radar, sonar, among others. This work compares the
estimation accuracy of 3-configurations (based on the inner radius variation and
constant outer radius) of a 2-ring concentric planar array that is uniform in direction
finding via the Cram´er-Rao bound derivation and analysis. The 3-configurations’
estimation accuracy is articulated to their respective sub-configurations based on
the sensors distribution in each ring. The sub-configurations use equal overall
number of sensors but with 60% - 40% distribution, 50% - 50% distribution and
40% - 60% distribution on the inner-outer rings respectively. Results showed that,
estimation accuracy increases as the inner radius approaches the outer radius and
thus configuration three has the best precision in direction finding. Furthermore,
based on the aforementioned sub-configurations, configuration three is again
found to have the best estimation accuracy. These findings would help direction
finders such as engineers to economically utilize a given number of sensors.