Abstract Understanding predisposing factors to homosexuality is important in formulating behavioural interventions targeted to men having sex with men (MSM) who form part of key populations as defined by World Health Organization. A descriptive cross-sectional study utilizing snowballing sampling methodology was conducted to determine predisposing factors to homosexuality in Kilifi town council. The study, which carried out between the months of August and December 2015, included both self-identified and non-self-identified MSM in Kilifi town. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires, focused group discussions and key informant interviews drawn from healthcare institutions and law enforcement agencies that ensure the safety of MSM in the community. Data was thereafter analysed by descriptive statistics. The findings of this study demonstrated that homosexuality is as a result of socialization rather than biological causes. 66.6% of respondents cited choice as the reason they were homosexuals. They further described homosexuality as a lifestyle, meaning it’s a decision they made. Peer pressure, parental upbringing, family set up, watching pornography, physical and sexual abuse when growing up were other factors mentioned by the respondents. Community involvement and sensitization would be important in reducing the number of boys who convert to homosexuality at some point in life.